Otheritages research project holds a strong commitment to open access, open data and open-source software in relation to research tools, software, methods, and final outputs. It aims to contribute to the promotion of openness, transparency and the sharing and reuse of data and resources.
ÂSÂR section features various online digital applications that developed throughout the course of the project. Certain applications are in pilot format, with the potential to develop and expand in terms of structure and content.
Curatorship and Supervision: Elias Kolovos and Panagiotis C. Poulos
Digital Humanities Consultant: Anna-Maria Sichani
Senseflows: sensorial flows in Salonica at the transition from the Ottoman empire to the Greek State
[Coming soon!]
Ottoman Heritage in Greece: Map and Bibliography
âsâr-ı atika/μνημεία
Βιλαέτι Ιωαννίνων